Strategy Realization
Working together, we co-develop the major initiatives needed to achieve your vision. This could be cost take out, operational efficiencies, M&A or risk programs. The output will be an executable journey map that layers in the constraints and provides a clear picture on what's achievable and when. We leverage an OKR approach to help measure success. Areas of focus include.
· M&A execution
· Technology rationalization & deployments
· Resource alignment & capacity management
Operational Tranformation
Your organization is complex. To be effective, transformation efforts need to consider each of the dimensions of change to achieve success. Operational Strategy, People & Organization, Performance Management, Technology & Data, and Process & Policy all have an impact on your Enterprise Operating Model. Facilitating the conversation with your people is critical to understanding their insights and achieving success. We utilize an ADKAR based approach in facilitating the process. Areas of focus include.
· Financial management
· Supply chain and procurement
· Risk management
· 3rd party and vendor management
· Change management (OCM)
Sourcing Support
The supply chain has been disrupted and your needs have evolved. Negotiations. Contract Performance. Product Utilization. Having an experienced advisor in the process can help your organization achieve the greatest value for your spend. Sourcing advisory can help you understand the differences in IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, FAR, and CPSR.
Project Portfolio Management
Having the ability to execute on your projects is a given, ensuring that you are investing in the right projects at the right time is the challenge. PPM solutions brings together the disciplines of Portfolio Governance and
Project Management to ensure you optimize your resource investment to get the most value in achieving your organizational goals.
Risk Program Support
It seems there is a new regulation or a security breach in the news every week. Working with your risk leadership, we apply proven methods and frameworks to your organization to take a right sized approach to risk management. We help you clarify the 3 lines of defense and the roles your people play in those processes. We can assess your policies and procedures to ensure you have it covered. If there are gaps, we can design a risk remediation program to help ensure your controls are working effectively.